What are Closed Skills?
Online Glossary / Quick Reference
Skills that are executed in stable conditions (e. G., shooting a free throw, performing a forward roll).
About Closed Skills
Closed skills refer to motor skills that are performed in stable and predictable environments, where the performer can plan and execute the movements with minimal influence from external factors. These skills emphasize consistency, precision, and control, as the conditions under which they are performed remain constant.
Characteristics of Closed Skills
- Stable Environment: The surroundings do not change, allowing the performer to focus solely on the execution of the skill.
- Predictable Conditions: There are no unexpected variables that could affect the performance, ensuring that the skill can be performed consistently each time.
- Repetition: The skill can be practiced repeatedly in the same manner, aiding in the development of muscle memory and technical proficiency.
Examples of closed skills include:
- Shooting a Free Throw: In basketball, shooting a free throw is performed under the same conditions every time, with the player standing at a fixed distance from the basket and no interference from opponents.
- Performing a Forward Roll: In gymnastics, executing a forward roll involves a sequence of movements that can be consistently practiced on a stable surface, ensuring that the environment remains the same.
- Archery: Releasing an arrow towards a target involves precise control and consistency, with the target and shooting conditions remaining unchanged.
- Weightlifting: Lifting weights in a controlled environment, such as a gym, where the conditions and equipment used remain constant.
Training for closed skills often involves repetitive practice to achieve a high level of accuracy and proficiency. This type of practice helps performers develop and refine their technique, ensuring they can execute the skill reliably under stable conditions.
While closed skills are performed in predictable environments, mastering them requires focus, discipline, and attention to detail. Athletes and performers often use drills and structured practice sessions to hone these skills, aiming for perfection in execution.