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What are Gross Motor Skills?

Online Glossary / Quick Reference

Skills involving the large muscles of the body.

About Gross Motor Skills

gross motor skills are abilities that involve the use of the large muscles of the body to perform significant movements. These skills are crucial for everyday activities and physical development, enabling actions such as walking, running, jumping, and maintaining balance. gross motor skills are foundational for more complex physical activities and play a key role in overall motor development.

Key gross motor skills

  • walking: Using the leg muscles to move the body forward in a coordinated manner.
  • Running: A faster form of walking that involves coordinated leg and arm movements to propel the body forward quickly.
  • Jumping: Using the leg muscles to push off the ground and lift the body into the air.
  • Climbing: Using the arms and legs to move up, over, and across obstacles, such as stairs or playground equipment.
  • Balancing: Maintaining stability and control of body position while standing, walking, or performing other activities.
  • Throwing and Catching: Using the arm muscles to propel an object through the air and then using hand-eye coordination to catch it.

Importance of gross motor skills

Developing gross motor skills

Increasing activities that exercise gross motor skills will improve your physical health, coordination, and ability to perform daily tasks and enjoy various recreational activities.

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