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What are Leg Curls?

Online Glossary / Quick Reference

Isolation exercise performed on a machine to strengthen the hamstrings.

About Leg Curls

leg curls are an isolation exercise that targets the hamstring muscles, performed on a specialized machine. This exercise involves bending the knees to lift a weight towards the buttocks, effectively engaging the hamstrings. leg curls are essential for strengthening the hamstrings, improving lower body stability, and enhancing overall athletic performance.

How to Perform leg curls

  • Setup: Adjust the leg curl machine to fit your body size. Sit or lie on the machine, positioning the pad just above your heels and ensuring your knees align with the machine's pivot point.
  • Starting Position: Secure your legs under the pad and grip the machine handles for stability. Your legs should be fully extended but not locked.
  • Flexing Phase: Exhale as you bend your knees, curling the pad towards your buttocks. Focus on engaging the hamstrings throughout the movement.
  • Peak Contraction: Hold the top position briefly, squeezing the hamstrings for maximum contraction.
  • Lowering Phase: Inhale as you slowly lower the pad back to the starting position, maintaining control and avoiding any jerking motions.
  • Repetitions: Perform the desired number of repetitions, typically ranging from 8 to 15 per set, depending on your training goals.

Benefits of leg curls

Variations of leg curls

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Using Excessive Weight: Choose a weight that allows you to perform the exercise with proper form. Using too heavy a weight can lead to poor technique and increase the risk of injury.
  • Inadequate range of motion: Ensure you perform the exercise through the full range of motion, fully extending and bending the knees for optimal hamstring engagement.
  • Jerking Movements: Perform the exercise with controlled, smooth movements to maximize muscle activation and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Neglecting Warm-Up: Always warm up the hamstrings and surrounding muscles before performing leg curls to prevent strains and injuries.

Incorporating leg curls into your workout routine is essential for building strong, balanced hamstrings, improving lower body stability, and enhancing overall athletic performance. Whether performed on a machine or using alternative methods, leg curls are a fundamental exercise for anyone looking to strengthen their lower body.

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