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What is Posterior?

Online Glossary / Quick Reference

The back of the body

About Posterior

posterior refers to the back of the body, encompassing all structures and regions located towards the rear. This term is commonly used in anatomy to describe the orientation and location of various body parts relative to others. Understanding the posterior aspect of the body is crucial for medical professionals, fitness trainers, and anyone studying human anatomy.

posterior Body Regions

  • posterior Head (Occipital): The back part of the head, including the occipital bone.
  • Back (dorsal): The region from the neck down to the lower back, including the spine and associated muscles.
  • posterior Shoulder (Scapular): The region encompassing the shoulder blades (scapulae).
  • Buttocks (Gluteal): The area consisting of the gluteal muscles, which are key for movement and stability.
  • posterior Thigh (hamstrings): The back of the thigh, including the hamstring muscles.
  • Calf (Sural): The lower back part of the leg, primarily consisting of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles.

Importance of the posterior Aspect

Exercises for Strengthening the posterior Muscles

Common posterior Issues and Injuries

  • Lower Back Pain: A common issue often resulting from weak posterior muscles or poor posture.
  • Hamstring Strains: Injuries to the hamstring muscles, often due to overstretching or inadequate warm-up.
  • Gluteal Weakness: Weak glutes can lead to imbalances and increased risk of injuries in the lower back and knees.
  • Shoulder Blade Dysfunction: Poor scapular movement can affect shoulder function and lead to pain or injuries.
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