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What is the Trapezius?

Online Glossary / Quick Reference

A large muscles that spans the back, neck, and shoulders. The upper "traps" are strengthened by shoulder shrugs.

About Trapezius

The trapezius, commonly referred to as the "traps," is a large, triangular muscle that spans the back, neck, and shoulders. It plays a crucial role in various movements and in maintaining proper posture. The trapezius is divided into three parts: upper, middle, and lower fibers, each responsible for different functions.

Functions of the trapezius

Strengthening the trapezius

  • shoulder shrugs: A key exercise for targeting the upper trapezius. This exercise involves lifting the shoulders towards the ears while holding weights.
  • Rows: Bent-over rows and seated rows engage the middle trapezius, improving back strength and posture.
  • Face Pulls: These exercises help activate the lower trapezius and improve shoulder stability.

Importance in Daily activities

The trapezius muscle is essential for a wide range of daily activities, from lifting objects to maintaining proper posture while sitting or standing. Strong trapezius muscles contribute to a balanced and stable upper body, reducing the risk of injuries and enhancing overall physical performance.

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