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What is a Warm Up?

Online Glossary / Quick Reference

A brief period of exercise that precedes a workout; intended to elevate muscle temperature, and increase blood flow and range of motion.

About Warm Up

A warm up is a crucial component of any workout routine, consisting of a brief period of low-intensity exercise designed to prepare the body for more strenuous physical activity. The primary goals of a warm up are to elevate muscle temperature, increase blood flow, and enhance range of motion, which collectively help prevent injuries and improve overall performance.

Components of a warm up

Benefits of a warm up

  • Increased Blood Flow: Enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscles, improving their performance.
  • Elevated muscle Temperature: Warmer muscles contract more efficiently and are less prone to injury.
  • Improved range of motion: Reduces stiffness and prepares joints for the movements required in the main workout.
  • Mental Preparation: Helps focus the mind and set the intention for the workout ahead.

Effective warm up Routines

  • General warm up: Includes light cardio and dynamic stretches to prepare the whole body.
  • Specific warm up: Targets the muscles and movements specific to the upcoming workout, such as shoulder rotations before an upper body session.
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